Stacie Haskell, formerly of Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT), has joined the Hoyle Tanner Aviation Services team. While Stacie held many positions at various times at MaineDOT, her transferrable...
Clean Water Act – Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes! It is not unusual for federal laws and regulations to change as Presidents enter and leave office, with many of these changes passing by...
There is a lot of buzz in the engineering world these days about dimensional modeling, and rightly so. We use 2D hydraulic modeling and 3D modeling for bridge design....
We are excited to announce that Senior Transportation Engineer Jacob Sparkowich, PE, is now a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer® (PTOE). To become a PTOE, applicants must have at least...
Every product has a useful life and a life expectancy, and bridges are no different. The typical design life for a bridge is between 75 and 100 years. Over...
A recent Consumer Affairs ranking put Vermont in the top five greenest states in the US. That’s no surprise to those of us that live and work here; and...
Hoyle Tanner managed the construction phase of Sand Hill Road Bridge over Long Pond Brook in Newport, New Hampshire. Our team provided construction observation and administration services after another...
Judy Donovan Hann – Director of HR & Proud Ma What’s something invaluable you’ve learned here? Change takes time but if you work with really good people, great things...