Image of Josh Howard with water behind him and other people. He's wearing a gray Hoyle Tanner hat.

Meet Josh Howard – Civil Engineer & Budget Gardener

What drew you to Hoyle Tanner?

Many things about Hoyle Tanner made it a company that I really wanted to work for. The broad range of projects that Hoyle Tanner works on meant that, as an entry-level engineer, I had the chance to explore different disciplines within civil engineering to discover what I loved to do. Another thing that appealed to me was the size of Hoyle Tanner, as I wanted a company large enough to tackle big and interesting projects, but not so large that it felt like I would never be able to know everyone at the company.

What’s something invaluable you’ve learned here?

Something that I learned quickly, and am still learning, is that every project is unique; to be a great engineer you need to recognize that and adapt to what the project needs. Taking lessons from one project to the next is a very important skill and something I continue to work on constantly.

What’s your favorite time of year to work at Hoyle Tanner & why?

The summer is the best in my opinion because it’s typically when we go on the most site visits, have construction projects, and do some company outings.

What’s the coolest thing you are working on & why?

The coolest projects I am working on are some large-scale solar facilities. As someone with an interest in renewable energy and sustainability, being able to work on solar projects is very fulfilling. It is very rewarding to contribute to something that has a large net positive on local communities and our planet.

What’s the best thing that’s happened to you recently (this week, this month, this year)?

I recently went on a short vacation to Eastport, Maine, the easternmost city in the United States. We got to go on a whale watch and saw tons of whales, seals, and bald eagles. The trip was during Art Week so we got to check out some galleries and see a lot of really cool art by local artists.

How many different states have you lived in?

I have never lived far from seacoast New Hampshire as I decided to go to UNH, which is only about a 30 minute drive from where I grew up.

What is a fun or interesting fact about your hometown?

I grew up in Farmington, NH. Despite being a small town, it is the hometown and birthplace of Henry Wilson, who was the Vice President for Ulysses S. Grant from 1873 to 1875.

Name three items you’d take with you to a desert island:

I would take an axe to help me survive, sunscreen because I burn way too easily, and my golf bag so I could work on my swing with my newfound free time.

What characteristic do you admire most in others?

I admire people who are always looking to learn and keep an open mind about things.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

Growing up I didn’t really consider becoming an engineer and mainly wanted to do something in the medical field. It wasn’t until I was about to go to college that I realized I would probably enjoy being an engineer much more than being a doctor.


*It’s Hoyle Tanner’s 50th anniversary this year! Keep an eye on our FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter feeds for articles and anniversary news!