
Hoyle Tanner’s professionals are as diverse as our services. Their business experiences, education and interests shape the firm’s culture. Our team members, each having a unique set of talents, are instrumental in providing a full range of service capabilities.

Chris Mulleavey corporate headshot outside
Christopher Mulleavey, PE

Chief Executive Officer

Matthew Low corporate headshot
Matthew Low, PE

Senior Vice President
Chief Operating Officer

Michelle Carrozzella corporate headshot
Michelle Carrozzella

Chief Financial Officer

Judith Donovan Hann corporate headshot
Judy Donovan Hann

Senior Vice President
Director of Human Resources

Robert Furey corporate headshot
Robert Furey, PE

Senior Vice President
Division Manager – Aviation Services

Sean James corporate photo
Sean James, PE

Senior Vice President
Division Manager – Ground Transportation

Joseph Ducharme Jr. corporate headshot
Joseph Ducharme Jr., PE, BCEE

Senior Vice President
Division Manager – Municipal Engineering Services

Todd Clark corporate headshot
Todd Clark, PE

Senior Vice President
Principal Transportation Engineer

William Davidson corporate headshot
William Davidson, PE

Senior Vice President
Principal Civil Engineer

Suzy Sheppard Headshot
Suzanne Sheppard, PE

Vice President
Northeast Aviation Team Lead

Wilbur Mathurin corporate headshot
Wilbur Mathurin, PE

Vice President
Southeast Aviation Team Lead

Jon Olin corporate headshot
Jon Olin, PE

Vice President
Regional Business Manager – Vermont

Aaron Lachance corporate headshot
Aaron Lachance, PE

Vice President
Regional Business Manager – Maine

Josif Bicja Headshot
Josif Bicja, PE

Vice President
Bridge Team Lead

Stephen Haas Leadership Photo
Stephen Haas, PE, PTOE

Vice President
Highway Team Lead

Nils Gonzalez corporate headshot
Nils Gonzalez, PE

Vice President
Principal Airport Engineer

Edward Weingartner corporate headshot
Edward Weingartner, PE

Vice President
Senior Structural Engineer

Kirstin DiPietro Worden
Kirstin DiPietro Worden, PE

Vice President
Senior Environmental Engineer

marisa dibiaso headshot
Marisa DiBiaso, PE

Vice President
Senior Civil Engineer

Andrew Sturgeon corporate headshot
Andrew Sturgeon, PLS

Vice President
Maine Business Developer

Nichole Davis corporate headshot
Nichole Davis

Vice President
Creative & Development Director

kimberly peace headshot
Kimberly Peace

Vice President
Senior Environmental Coordinator

shawn tobey headshot
Shawn Tobey, PE

Vice President
Senior Civil Engineer

David Langlais corporate headshot
David Langlais, PE

Regional Business Manager – Massachusetts

Corporate Headshot of Timothy Bernier, Hoyle Tanner's Principal Surveyor
Timothy Bernier, LLS, PLS, CWS

Principal Surveyor

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