Parking Facilities

We understand the importance of providing timely shop drawing reviews, rapid responses to contractors’ requests for information, and quickly resolving conflicts to avoid project delays. 

Structural Rehabilitation for Any Size Project

Structural rehabilitation projects are often the most complex due to the combination of archaic systems and materials, the lack of existing documentation, unforeseen conditions, dimensional constraints, and restrictive building code requirements. We have found that the codes are much more lenient on historic structures; however, in some instances special historic preservation concerns must be considered. 

Our parking facility engineers collaborate with other engineering disciplines and architects to ensure successful execution of the final design. Parking facilities must be designed to be efficient, user-friendly, durable and cost-effective. An efficient functional concept is the foundation for a well-designed facility, and that begins with understanding the requirements of the facility’s users today and in the future. Hoyle Tanner develops functional plans that addresses these and other unique requirements, resulting in a facility that will function well today and decades into the future. 

We keep informed on new trends and construction materials, products, and assemblies, as well as understand the changes in building code provisions. We recognize that there is constant pressure to build “cheaper and faster” which makes construction observation and administration services imperative. 


  • Parking Facilities Evaluations & Repairs 
  • Structural Condition Assessment & Reports 
  • Comprehensive Construction Documents 
  • Structural Rehabilitation 
  • Special Inspections 
  • Independent Structural Peer Review 
  • Structural Code Consulting 
  • Construction Administration 
  • Construction Observation 
  • Emergency Response 
  • Forensic Evaluation & Reports 

City of Manchester

Victory Parking Garage

Manchester, NH

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Victory Parking Garage Manchester, NH

Winooski Municipal Parking Garage Winooski, VT

Burlington International Airport Parking Garage South Burlington, VT

Municipal Parking Garages Condition Assessments Burlington, VT

Elliot at Rivers Edge Parking Garage Inspection Manchester, NH

Elliot Hospital Parking Garage Repairs Manchester, NH

Manchester Community College Parking Lot E Manchester, NH

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