For more than 50 years, the Hoyle Tanner team has been building a strong background of expertise for providing municipal wastewater treatment, collection, and conveyance services through our Municipal Engineering Services division. Managed by Senior Vice President Joseph Ducharme, Jr., PE, BCEE, this division is comprised of some of the most experienced wastewater engineers across New England, who are supported by a well-balanced team of talented engineers, designers, and environmental staff committed to meeting clean water standards for our communities. Through hundreds of successful water quality projects, our team has demonstrated that we have the commitment, local knowledge, and career longevity in our professionals to see each project through the years of design, construction, start-up and operation.
Our wastewater team provides collection system, pump station and treatment facility expansions and rehabilitations for wastewater collection and treatment projects. One recent project to note is the Milford, New Hampshire Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade (WWTF) Project. Our wastewater team has prepared public outreach materials, conducted meetings with water utilities commissioners, conducted the tertiary treatment pilot study, presented the findings of the pilot study to Milford Water Utilities and NHDES staff, organized WWTF tours for Milford operations staff to visit New England facilities using the pilot processes, and reported on the recommended alternative for the upgrade. The project will be publicly bid and under construction soon.
We also offer a broad range of professional stormwater management services
to meet both stormwater management objectives and watershed-based water quality limits through water quality planning, hydraulic assessment, and targeted design initiatives. The Cost-Effective Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Standards project for the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC) is a great example of good planning and developing standards under an
accelerated timeline. A standardized methodology for planning and funding clean water projects was created, along with operational and maintenance standards for Clean Water Service Providers (CWSPs) established under Act
76. This project established a consistent basis for determining standard costs per unit of pollutant reduction and other associated metrics to support formula funding, and to develop a foundation by which CWSPs can plan and optimize their future investments. Our two-pronged approach looked at each of these important metrics on their own and brought the assessments together to support effective implementation and long-term performance.
Drinking Water
Of all the services provided by towns, cities and public and investor-owned utilities, public drinking water is arguably the most critical.
Communities may draw water from underground wells or from surface waters but in all cases, water for human consumption must be treated to high standards and continuously monitored for quality. We rely on clean drinking water and are always concerned with its quality. In addition communities need to know that adequate supply of clean, fresh water will be available for consumption and for fire protection. Public confidence in the quality, quantity, and reliability of our drinking water systems is foundational to creating a thriving community. For the Waterville Valley Well Connection & Transmission Main project, our goal was to connect three remote groundwater supply wells to a common treatment facility and provide redundancy to the finished water distribution piping. The longest distance between wells is nearly 1-mile, but through collaboration with the Town, the Forest Service, the USDA Rural Utilities program, and NHDES, we were able to assist the Town with making the necessary connections to bring all three groundwater supply wells into the treatment, storage, and distribution system. This project was completed successfully and is expected to serve the Town effectively for many years to come.
Hoyle Tanner’s engineers take pride in our ability to support our communities and clients by thoroughly evaluating and understanding the problem and identifying viable solutions. Our municipal engineering professionals and the rest of our team are dedicated to our vision, mission, and values as we aim to provide sustainable solutions to communities in need. For more information on the projects we’ve completed for our municipal clients and how we may help you, visit our website or reach out to our team!