Town of Montgomery

Wastewater & Streetscape Study

Montgomery, VT

Project Summary

The Town of Montgomery, Vermont, population 1,200, includes Montgomery Village and Montgomery Center located along the clear waters of the Wild & Scenic Trout River. Village and Center homes and businesses are on tightly spaced lots, served by on-site septic with no room for replacement systems.  Montgomery’s future requires community wastewater management to protect the pristine Trout River and their recreation-based tourism economy.    

Hoyle Tanner assisted the Town with applications and approvals for a USDA Rural Development SEARCH Grant and Engineering Planning funds to complete a Preliminary Engineering Report to investigate and solve Montgomery’s wastewater management challenges. Hoyle Tanner’s scope of work included collaboration with the Town’s wastewater committee to identify needed wastewater capacity and develop community wastewater engineering alternatives to serve Montgomery. Our scope also includes preparing grant funding applications for engineering design and construction to ensure an affordable project. 

The project is slated to receive unprecedented levels of grant funding allowing the project to advance to design in 2022 with bidding in 2023 and construction completion in 2025. 


  • Funding Assistance 
  • Public Outreach 
  • Alternatives Development & Analysis 
  • Environmental Resources Documentation 
  • Facilities Planning 
  • Rate Study Analysis 

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