Town of Stowe

Stagecoach Road Bridge Replacement over Moss Glen Brook

Stowe, VT

Project Summary

Hoyle Tanner performed bridge and roadway design services for the replacement of a twin 14’-span corrugated pipe arch culvert crossing of the Moss Glen Brook. The existing deteriorated pipes were at risk of failure and were undersized for hydraulic streamflow capacity as well as presenting barriers to aquatic organism passage.

Our design solution incorporates a prestressed concrete NEXT Beam Type D superstructure that implemented accelerated bridge construction techniques, thus reducing the road closure duration. The beam ends were detailed with a semi-integral abutment design that removed the need for traditional bridge joints and the maintenance/replacement costs associated. The abutments were designed utilizing taper tube pipe piles which allowed for shorter pile lengths and avoidance of a soft clay strata layer, saving cost and installation time. Our team coordinated closely with regulatory officials and developed this solution which minimized site impacts, protecting sensitive resources and cost effectively improving the hydraulic capacity of the crossing.

Design, including all permitting and Right-of-Way coordination, was completed within eight months, with accelerated construction completed in less than 10 weeks. The project was completed with FHWA Emergency Relief (ER) program funding and was locally administered through the VTrans Municipal Assistance Section.


  • Permitting
  • Hydraulic Analysis 
  • Right-of-Way Coordination
  • Final Design

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