Town of Swanzey

Rabbit Hollow Road Bridge over Perry Brook

Swanzey, NH

Project Summary

The project consisted of replacing two existing 7’ span x 4’-10” rise corrugated metal plate (CMP) arch culverts with a 20-foot span precast concrete box culvert structure with precast concrete wingwalls and approximately 300’ of roadway reconstruction. Hoyle Tanner was responsible for determining a cost-effective replacement structure, design, permitting, bidding, and construction oversight of the replacement. 

Rabbit Hollow Road is a rural dead-end road.  In order to replace the bridge and allow residents access to their homes, a temporary bridge downstream of the crossing was utilized to maintain access to the houses. As a result of this, Hoyle Tanner permitted a 50’ long temporary new stream crossing and the replacement structure through New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). The project was completed in November 2019 and provides a structure that meets current statutory load requirements, increases the hydraulic capacity of the crossing, minimizes disturbance to the surrounding environment and passes the 50-year and 100-year storm events. 

The project was partially funded through the NHDOT Municipally-Managed State Bridge Aid Program. 


  • Engineering Study 
  • Preliminary Design 
  • Hydraulic Analysis  
  • Permitting  
  • Cultural Resources Documentation 
  • Final Design  
  • Bid Process Administration  
  • Construction Administration  
  • Construction Observation  

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