Town of Hampton

High Street & Winnacunnet Road Infrastructure Assessment & Replacement

Hampton, NH

Project Summary

The purpose of this project was to perform surveying, engineering and design work for replacing the Winnacunnet Road and High Street closed drainage system, sewer mains, and sewer services in the Right-of-Way. The Town pursued federal and state low interest loan and grant funds for the project.
Both Winnacunnet and High Streets have been in the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan for many years and the initial study work was done to assess, design, and develop opinions of cost for the identified repairs, upgrades, and other improvements. The project included cleaning and visual imaging of the sewer collection system (pipes and manholes) to determine which pipes and structures needed to be replaced.
Hoyle Tanner evaluated existing curbing, sidewalks, school zone and pedestrian signage, streetlights, traffic signage, paving of the entire roadway, and line painting. In addition to resurfacing the roadways in conjunction with utility replacement, Hoyle Tanner made recommendations and developed an opinion of cost for implementing select traffic calming elements, and other improvements to improve traffic flow or control traffic speed in the project area. Hoyle Tanner assisted the Town with construction observation and administration.


  • Condition Assessment
  • Traffic Analysis / Study
  • Roadway Assessment
  • Final Design
  • Construction Administration

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