Our firm has been honoring the Movers, Shakers & Innovators Program to give formal recognition to our hardworking and dedicated employees. This quarter, Donna Akerley, Travis Gelinas, StephenMayo and Michelle Stewart were recognized by their peers for going above and beyond their daily activities. Here is what their nominators said about the 2023 Q1 winners:

Donna Akerley – Associate, Documents & Facilities Manager

For 35 years, Donna has been an integral part of the Hoyle Tanner team, and her dedication to detail and excellence is clear. As our Documents and Facilities Manager, she is often the last person to see deliverables leave our doors, and her dedication to thorough reviews makes her an incredible asset.

From the nominators:

“It's not a mistake unless it makes it out the door.” That's something that Donna said to me many years ago. Probably more years than she and I would like to count! Upon reflection of this simple statement I realized that this pretty much sums up Donna's work ethic and is reflective of all that she does for Hoyle Tanner. She knows what things are supposed to look like and takes pride in any work product that leaves the building. When you send something to Donna, she looks at it, really looks at it. She is so familiar with our documents that she even knows how it's supposed to be laid out and can identify if something is missing. It's so much more than printing – it's quality control and Donna has a very high standard...

Travis Gelinas – CADD Technician

Travis works in our Ground Transportation Group in Manchester, NH. Over the last 22 years at Hoyle Tanner, he has built his career path and embraced multiple opportunities presented to him. As both an artist and a CADD tech, Travis works on a variety of project types including development of plans for all phases of bridge rehabilitations and replacements, inspection of precast concrete components and creating various types of graphics.

From the nominators:

The word "no" doesn't seem to be in Travis's vocabulary. He is the definition of a team player and is always willing to share his CADD knowledge with anyone when they need help. Travis exhibits no hesitation to take on any task that is given to him, even if it means working extra hours and, on the weekends, to get it done, or even trying something completely new to him. I'd consider him our newest roadway engineer with all the InRoads, OpenRoads, and design knowledge he's gained over the last year... His hard work will become a companywide benefit to those who are more comfortable with AutoCAD software over Bentley. Thanks for everything you do Travis!

Stephen Mayo – IT Manager

Steve has been the IT manager for 17 years and counting. He was instrumental in the seamless transition to working from home in early 2020, and is the first line of defense for many tech issues. Steve is quick to get the job done and is always looking into new or innovative tech options to make our jobs as seamless as possible.

From the nominators:

I nominate [Steve] because now that we are moving past the "covid era" I feel it is important to take a moment to reflect back on the weathering of the storm and how we did so quite successfully... We went from a normal office setting to everyone work from home at a flip of a switch yet we did so pretty seamlessly. I think it is fair to say this machine did not operate itself and there were boots on the ground in the midst of things making it possible for us to work remotely. Without these efforts things undoubtedly could have been far more complicated for some and were far more complicated for others. Thank you for your efforts.

Michelle Stewart – Human Resource Coordinator & Senior Project Assistant

Michelle is a jack of all trades with over 20 years of experience who supports both our Human Resources Department, as the Human Resources Coordinator, and the New England Municipal Engineering Group as their Senior Project Assistant. Michelle is a New Hampshire native with a background in banking, retail management, and program and project support. She is a call away to help on a variety of tasks and always does so with a smile.

From the nominators:

I would like to give a shout out to Michelle Stewart for spearheading the Project Setup Process. In addition to the many hats she wears as a Project Assistant and HR coordinator, she always finds time to jump in and take the lead.

Congratulations again to our Movers and Shakers this quarter. We appreciate your hard work and dedication!


*It’s Hoyle Tanner’s 50th anniversary this year! Keep an eye on our FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter feeds for articles and anniversary news!