Hoyle Tanner is at work on transportation projects in South Burlington, Vermont to better connect bike/ped pathways! While the projects are in different stages, they are both part of Municipal Assistance projects through the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans). We have been working with the City and the Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee for both these projects and they have been very helpful and supportive for moving both projects forward.
The Projects We’re
Working on
Allen Road:
Allen Road is an alternatives study for the City. The City is looking at add 1,700’ of shared-use path along with 400’ of sidewalk. Currently, the path that connects the Farm Stand Apartments with Spear Street terminates at a sidewalk and there are no facilities to connect to other routes.
Our team hopes to find ways to bring more possibilities to this pathway, creating connections to other routes while prioritizing safety. This project has been on the City’s list for many years, and the committee members are excited to have alternatives to finish this section of the pathways!
Spear Street:
Hoyle Tanner is in preliminary design for this important shared-use pathway along Spear Street connecting existing bicycle/pedestrian facilities from the University of Vermont Forestry Building to Swift Street – approximately 3,400’. As part of the design, we have evaluated several concepts for the pathway location underneath Interstate I-189 bridges and have coordinated a meeting with key VTrans staff members to determine feasible solutions at these crossings. Our team has been committed to clear communication of the benefits, costs, future maintenance, and risks associated with each design challenge – offering our design opinion and solutions that allow the City to make fully informed decisions and advance the project.
Our Transportation Services
We’ve worked on projects ranging in size from small to million dollar, multiple-agency initiatives. We have expertise in federal highways, state routes, municipal streets, sidewalk, trail, guardrail, pipe repairs, peer review consultancy, and stormwater management projects. We work with our clients to formulate innovative design solutions that address regulatory constraints and functional requirements. Our roadway engineers account for future traffic and incorporate sustainable transportation infrastructure into projects focused on solving safety concerns, vehicular congestion, and environmental issues. Reach out to me if there’s a project in your community that could use bike/ped studies!