In the United States, National Engineers Week is always the week in February which encompasses George Washington’s actual birthday, February 22; President Washington is considered the nation’s first engineer. It is observed by more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies. The purpose of National Engineers Week is to call attention to the contributions to society that engineers make. It is also a time for engineers to emphasize the importance of learning math, science, and technical skills.
This year’s theme, “Engineers: Inspiring Wonder,” is a call to recognize the people who create today’s awe-inspiring wonders like cloud-busting skyscrapers and human travel to Mars. Our lives would be very different without daily marvels like clean drinking water, computers, and cars.
Over the next week, we will:
- Celebrate President’s Day and kick off Engineers Week;
- Share the passion our employees have for engineering;
- Visit a local high school to demonstrate the skills engineers use every day;
- Celebrate Girl Day, a worldwide campaign to introduce girls to the fascinating world of engineering by vising a local Girls, Inc.; and
- Attend the Engineer’s Week Banquet to celebrate the 2018 NH Engineer and Young Engineer of the Year.
For additional information on engineering or Engineers Week, we encourage you to visit http://www.discovere.org/our-programs/engineers-week