As 2024 winds down, we are excited to show some of the key airport infrastructure improvements that our clients have made, and what our role was in each one.
To appreciate the end result, here is our full project process: We guide projects from initial conception at municipal CIP meetings and budget committees, through planning and funding identification, to design, permitting, construction administration, and full-time on-site inspection services.
The Critical Role of Our Construction Inspectors
This summer our inspectors worked on 10 projects in New England and six in Florida. Our inspectors were Randy Hygema, Glen Altimari, Robby Moon, Michael Dyer, Chris Mellen, and Iryna Afong, PE.
The projects ranged from taxiway and runway improvements, to aircraft ramp expansion, to commercial service ramp rehabilitation, to T-Hangar construction, to a large terminal expansion. Every project is unique, and each has its own location and duration.
The inspectors are responsible for ensuring proper materials are used, the work complies with contract drawings and specifications, contractors adhere to site safety requirements and airport-specific operational standards, and the design engineer and airport are updated on progress daily. The inspectors live away from home, spending long periods of time away from their family and develop new temporary support groups amongst the host airports and the citizens of the community. Some tell stories of having a favorite diner to eat at, a quiet spot they go to after work to get away from the hustle and bustle of a loud construction site, a favorite military jet to watch take off, and they develop ways to wind down and pre-occupy their minds in evenings to ensure they are recharged for each day’s activities.
We are extremely proud of the dedication and professionalism that our inspectors display while on temporary assignment in these different locations.
Accomplishments this Year
A few of our projects are seen below with accomplishments highlighted in their captions.

We can Help
If you want to know the intricacies of inspecting a large multi-million dollar construction project on a busy airport, and what makes this unique in the transportation industry reach out to Suzanne Sheppard, PE or Wilbur Mathurin, PE. Both Suzanne and Wilbur are group leaders in the Aviation Services Division, have hands-on experiences from past field inspection, and serve as construction managers for our amazing team of inspectors.