What drew you to Hoyle, Tanner originally?
- Well, I was working for a much smaller company before joining the team and knew that I wanted to work for a larger company. I have a growing professional network here (in NH) after attending UNH and had heard great things about Hoyle, Tanner and the opportunities for growth that they offer. I figured it would be a great place to work (and it is)!
- What do you like most about working at Hoyle, Tanner?
- How friendly and open everyone is. I think it is great that when I am working on a project that we all work collectively as a team and I am able to speak freely with anyone I need to complete the assignment.
- Can you talk about a favorite memory or proudest moment here?
- We recently did some reconfiguring in the office and a bunch of us moved our spaces. The Transportation Group spent a few nights painting and moving things around while eating pizza – it allowed us to bond more as a team.
- What is your favorite pastimes outside the office?
- I love to hike and play ultimate Frisbee (here and back home in Maine). I also like to snowmobile in the winter and stay active with my friends.
- If you were stuck on an island what three things would you bring?
- A deck of cards, 6-pack and bicycle… hopefully the island is big.
- People would be surprised if they knew?
- I have completed two Tough Mudder competitions with my fraternity brothers; my first at Gunstock and the second most recently in Westbrook, Maine. They are fun, typically 10 miles of obstacle course to work together to complete.
- Do you have a motto or personal mantra?
- Work hard, play harder!
- What did you want to be growing up?
- [chuckles]A forest ranger. I wanted to spend all of my time in the woods growing up.
- If given the chance, who would you like to be for a day?
- Mario Andretti – what I would give to drive really fast and not get in any trouble.
- If you won the lottery today, what would be the first thing you would buy?
- Well, I recently got a new car, so I would probably buy a house.

6 Reasons Why Being Part of Engineering Associations Elevates Your Career
March 4, 2025
As an engineer with over a decade of experience, I've found that being part of professional associations has significantly contributed to my career growth. I’m a current board member...
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