A photo for our employee spotlight of Christopher Mellen, Aviation EngineerChristopher Mellen, Airport Engineer & New Uncle

1.  What drew you to Hoyle, Tanner?
The people and the work atmosphere drove me to Hoyle, Tanner.  When I came in for my interview, I met some of the Hoyle, Tanner employees, and I was amazed at how welcoming and kind everyone was. I could tell right away there was a very supportive work atmosphere.
2. What’s something invaluable you’ve learned here?
Since working at Hoyle, Tanner I have learned the importance of teamwork and collaboration when working on an engineering project. It was very eye- opening to see the amount of communication required between project managers and engineers and how much of a team effort it truly is to keep a project moving smoothly.
3. What’s your favorite time of year to work at Hoyle, Tanner?
Summer is my favorite time of year to work at Hoyle, Tanner due to a many of our projects beginning construction during that time. This has allowed me to work in the field on various projects which is one of my favorite parts of my job.
4. What’s the coolest thing you are working on?
I am working on a drainage study project at an airport in Connecticut. I really enjoy the hands-on aspect of it. The project involves locating drainage structures all around the airport, collecting GPS coordinates as well as carrying out Level 1 inspections on the structures.
5. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you so far this week?
I recently became and uncle, and I got to see my niece over the weekend.
6. How many different states have you lived in?
I have only lived in Massachusetts.
7. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
8. What kind of pet do you have and how did you choose to name it?
I have a dog named Ozzy. He is named after one of my favorite lead singers, Ozzy Osbourne.
9. What is a fun or interesting fact about your hometown?
Tyngs Island, located in Tyngsboro MA, served as the great Indian Chief’s permanent residence, Wannalancit, for many years until he left the Island in 1686.
10. What are three things still left on your bucket list
1. Take a road trip across the country
2. Backpack through Europe
3. Buy a land plot in Maine and build a cabin

11. Name three items you’d take with you to a desert island.
1. A Swiss Army knife to hunt, prepare food, and build a shelter
2. A magnifying glass to start a fire for warmth and to cook food
3. My guitar, so I can still rock out when I get bored

12. What characteristic do you admire most in others?
I admire people that are hard-working and driven. Seeing others work hard inspires me to work harder myself.
13. How old is the oldest item in your closet?
I have a leather jacket I stole from my dad that’s probably from the 70s.
14. Words to live by? Favorite quote?
“The more you seek the uncomfortable the more you will become comfortable.” – Conor McGregor I try to live my life by this quote. Always seeking out uncomfortable situations is great way to conquer your fears and anxieties.
15. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to play in the NHL.
16. If you were to skydive from an airplane what would you think about on the way down?
My first thought would be “I hope my parachute opens.” Then once my parachute opens, I would think, “Wow, this is awesome.”