Meet Megan Ooms, PE – Senior Structural Engineer & Chaos Coordinator What drew you to Hoyle Tanner? A combination of the type of work, including larger bridges and more...
We’ve welcomed many incredibly talented professionals to our firm since the middle of the year! We continue to grow and deliver on our mission which includes dedicated professionals delivering...
Meet Joe Ripley, PE – Senior Structural Engineer & Endurance Sports Junkie What drew you to Hoyle Tanner? I am going to change this to “what has kept me...
Meet Karen Allen, Senior Project Assistant & Inquisitive Learner What drew you to Hoyle Tanner? I was drawn to Hoyle Tanner after researching the company and experiencing its commitment...
Meet Stacie Haskell – Senior Project Assistant & Dog Lover What drew you to Hoyle Tanner? I worked with Hoyle Tanner for years when I worked for MaineDOT. I...