Katie Welch posing on vacation

Meet Katie Welch – Structural Engineer & Positivity Seeker!

What drew you to Hoyle Tanner?

I was fortunate to spend two summers with the company as an intern, which allowed me to get to know the many talented, intelligent, and dedicated people that work here. But more importantly, I saw how great the company culture was, and how everyone cared for one another. This is what made me want to stay as a full time employee, which I was thankfully given the opportunity to become.


What’s something invaluable you’ve learned here?

Everyone has a different style of listening, learning, and communicating. It takes time, patience, and understanding to effectively work within a team, and that’s ok!


What’s your favorite time of year to work at Hoyle Tanner & why?

My favorite time of year is construction season. I really enjoy seeing projects I’ve worked on built from the ground up, and it’s great to be outside. I am also a very outgoing person and I enjoy getting to meet people from Towns all over the state, contractors and their employees, and nearby residents.


What’s the coolest thing you are working on & why?

Lately I’ve been working on a lot of bridge and culvert replacement projects with many underground utilities, which is is new to me. I’ve enjoyed the challenge of incorporating them into our designs and learning the ways they affect our design choices.


What’s the best thing that’s happened to you so far this week?

I recently traveled to Virgina for my cousin’s wedding. While we were there my family and I got to tour Thomas Jefferson’s home and plantation, Monticello. I also celebrated one of my best friend’s 30th birthday this past weekend!


How many different states have you lived in?

Only New Hampshire! I feel so lucky to have been born and raised in such a beautiful area with lakes and mountains.


If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

Anything from a Mexican restaurant.


What kind of pet do you have & how did you choose to name it?

When I was in high school my parents surprised my sister and I with a cat. We named him Marty McFly after the Back to the Future series. He still lives with my parents, but I do get to see him often!


What is a fun or interesting fact about your hometown?

Penny Pitou, the first U.S. woman to win an Olympic medal in downhill skiing, was born in Gilford, NH.


What are three things still left on your bucket list?
  • Travel to Europe
  • Road trip to theme parks across the U.S. and ride as many roller coasters as I can
  • Ski or snowboard, then swim in a lake or ocean in the same day
Name three items you’d take with you to a desert island.

Lounge chair with umbrella, a fruity cocktail, and MacGyver


What characteristic do you admire most in others?



How old is the oldest item in your closet?

I have a Gilford Elementary School sweatshirt that my grandfather purchased for himself while I was in school there. It’s probably 20-years-old. He gave it to me years later when it finally fit me.


Words to live by? Favorite quote? Why?

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” -Helen Keller. I like this quote because I always try look at the positive side of every situation.


What did you want to be when you were growing up?

At some point I think I wanted to be a veterinarian. Then I realized they have to see animals when they are sick and at their worst, and that made me too sad.


If you were to skydive from an airplane what would you think about on the way down?

I’ve been skydiving twice, and both times I was thinking how great the view was, and if my tandem guide was deaf from me screaming.