Two of our engineers are assisting University of New Hampshire (UNH) seniors with capstone projects. Civil Engineer Marisa DiBiaso, PE and Structural Engineer Kayla Hampe, PE have worked with two (of the 25) senior capstone teams at UNH. This isn’t the first time Hoyle, Tanner engineers have been involved in UNH Capstone Projects. Structural Engineer, Jillian Semprini, PE was involved in previous UNH projects and is co-sponsoring Kayla. Marisa and Kayla will continue to mentor the young engineers for the remainder of their senior year.

Marisa has a team working on design renovations to a local park to teach them project management, civil engineering, public outreach, and utility engineering skills. Marisa provided the team with a topographical survey,  public survey responses, information on utilities, aerial images, and other pertinent information to prepare their design. She also provided budget constraints and some initial guidance on potential challenges and opportunities to be aware of. The team prepared conceptual layouts, cost estimates, and was responsible for a Preliminary Design Report and Powerpoint presentation earlier this month to conclude the fall semester.

Kayla and Jill are working with a local bridge replacement project team, also already designed by Hoyle, Tanner. Like Marisa’s project, they have provided things like boring logs, survey data, hydraulic information, traffic counts, and design guidance so that the team can prepare an alternatives study. They have met bi-weekly with the team to review progress, answer questions, and discuss upcoming tasks. The team also finished a Preliminary Design Report and made a Powerpoint presentation earlier this month.

Both teams will continue their projects into the spring by advancing with their preliminary design recommendations. Marisa and Kayla are both enjoying the experience and are looking forward to the seniors’ final design in the spring. Featured image from left to right: Jessica Manning, John Leach, Cassie Norton, and Niroj Bhattarai.