Town of Salem

Water, Wastewater & Stormwater Asset Management Assistance

Salem, NH

Project Summary

NHDES has offered financing through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan program, with principal loan forgiveness, to promote asset management and assist community wastewater and stormwater systems in developing an asset management plan or implementing aspects of a wastewater asset management plan that have already been developed. NHDES also provided a water grant program matching up to 50% of the water asset management plan.  

Hoyle Tanner completed the water treatment infrastructure asset management plan and is currently working on a similar plan for the wastewater and stormwater systems. The community has received $140,000 in grants and $90,000 of principal loan forgiveness for these efforts. 

Hoyle Tanner and the Town collaborated to identify and understand infrastructure needs and established systematic procedures for addressing the following: 

  • Developing and updating system inventory and mapping
  • Establishing preventive maintenance procedures
  • Responding to and tracking system emergencies
  • Comprehensive financial forecasting
  • Customer service tracking

The Town of Salem uses the VUEWorks Asset Management software for all the Town’s vertical and horizontal assets. Hoyle Tanner is working closely with the Town staff to develop a sustainable platform for staff to use in the future as assets are added, rehabilitated or replaced.  

In 2020, the Town of Salem received the New England Water Environment Association’s Asset Management Excellence Award as well as the NHDES Asset Management Municipal Award. 


  • Inventory Collection 
  • Condition Assessment 
  • Software Implementation 
  • Policy Development 
  • Training 

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