City of Portsmouth

Water System Asset Management

Portsmouth, NH

Project Summary

The City of Portsmouth Public Works Water Division takes a pro-active posture to continuously maintain and improve not only the assets that comprise the water system, but also the processes that are used to manage it. Within the past fifteen years the Water Division has made significant investments in the tools it uses to manage the system including investments in the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS), a three phase water system master plan, an updated hydraulic model, and in computerized maintenance management / asset management (CMMS/AM) software. 

The Hoyle Tanner/Kleinfelder team was hired by the City of Portsmouth to develop an Asset Management Plan for the water system. It is designed to not only meet the requirements of the Asset Management grant, but to provide an effective framework for the City’s water system asset management program for cost effective decision making. The program includes several elements that were done through a series of workshops and training sessions; Level of Service, Asset Inventory, Condition Assessment, Criticality Analysis\Risk Assessment, Life Cycle Costing\Long Term Funding, Workflow\Reporting and Communication Plan. The success of these programs was based on the inclusion of decision maker, technical staff, field foremen, and supervisors. It allowed for the development of workflow to occur, capturing the information in the field that is critical in making the best decisions. This understanding throughout the organization is the root of its success. After each workshop, steps were taken to implement elements of the Asset Management program using the current data, staff knowledge and software tools. 


  • Inventory Collection 
  • Condition Assessment 
  • Life Cycle Cost Analysis 
  • Level of Service Establishment 
  • Criticality Analysis 
  • Training 

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