Town of Montgomery

Wastewater & Streetscape Study

Montgomery, VT

Project Summary

The Hoyle Tanner Water Resources and Transportation teams completed a joint study for the Town of Montgomery for a new wastewater collection and treatment system and a streetscapes project that addresses traffic and pedestrian safety issues in the Village and Center locations. 

Hoyle Tanner’s inhouse sUAS team utilized drones to conduct a large area survey of both Montgomery center and Montgomery Village. This survey was utilized for planning and design purposes and has proven to be a significant time and cost saver.  

Streetscape alternatives considered vehicular and non-vehicular traffic including facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as accommodations for snowmobiles which provide a valued economic resource in the community. The design includes on-street and potential off-street parking, plantings, lighting, innovative stormwater treatment, wayfinding, public art opportunities, and redesign of the Route 118 and Route 242 intersection in Montgomery Center. Our team worked closely with the Town to understand the potential benefits and associated costs with taking Class I Town Highway ownership of a portion of State Route 118. The Study, by the USDA RD program, was completed in April 2020 and has been approved for a USDA Community Facilities Loan to help advance the project through design and construction. 


  • Funding Assistance
  • Public Outreach
  • Alternatives Development & Analysis
  • Environmental Resources Documentation
  • Facilities Planning
  • Rate Study Analysis

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