Allenstown Sewer Commission

Wastewater Asset Management

Allenstown, NH

Project Summary

The Allenstown Sewer Commission received financing through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan program, with incentives for principal loan forgiveness, to promote the development of a Wastewater Asset Management Plan. Hoyle Tanner completed the Wastewater Collection System (Phase 1) and Wastewater Treatment Facility (Phase 2) Asset Management Plans for the Town providing the community with $60,000 of principal loan forgiveness. 

Hoyle Tanner assisted the Commission with identifying and understanding infrastructure needs as well as establishing systematic procedures for addressing the following: 

  • Developing or updating system inventory and mapping.
  • Establishing preventive maintenance procedures
  • Responding to and tracking emergencies
  • Comprehensive financial forecasting
  • Customer service tracking

Addressing these challenges allows the Town to better understand risk through condition and consequential failure of their assets, current and future deficiencies, regulatory needs, and the financial resources necessary to achieve a sustainable level of service. 

The Town of Allenstown currently uses the VUEWorks Asset Management software for the Town’s vertical and horizontal assets. Hoyle Tanner is working closely with the Town staff to develop a sustainable platform for staff to use in the future as assets are added, rehabilitated or replaced. 


  • Inventory Collection 
  • Condition Assessment 
  • Level of Service Establishment 
  • Criticality Analysis 

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