New Hampshire Department of Transportation

US 302 at East Conway Road Intersection Improvements

Conway, NH

Project Summary

The primary east/west route connecting North Conway with Center Conway and Fryeburg, ME is US 302 (Eastman Road). This primary arterial carries nearly 9,000 vehicles per day past the intersection with East Conway Road at posted speeds of 40 to 50 mph. The intersection often ranks at or near the top of New Hampshire’s high crash locations and has resulted in several fatalities at or near the intersection in recent years. Roadway curvature, superelevation, wide pavement, and closely spaced traffic make it hard to see conflicting vehicles and safely find gaps in the traffic stream. Utilizing Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding, NHDOT has partnered with Hoyle Tanner to make improvements to the intersection which will improve safety and reduce crashes. 

Our team is currently tasked with developing an engineering report and preliminary plans to determine the appropriate design alternative. The design of a roundabout or traffic signal is anticipated to be proposed to clarify vehicular Right-of-Way and reduce crash severity, should they occur. Utilizing Synchro 10 and SIDRA software, Hoyle Tanner evaluated intersection operations and Level of Service to determine the performance of each intersection type. With a consideration for available right-of-way, environmental impacts, and project cost; our team assisted in helping NHDOT determine which alternative will best improve safety while minimizing delay along the corridor. A significant challenge on this project, led by our in-house environmental staff and subconsultant Independent Archaeological Consulting, LLC, will be to avoid disturbance to the Meetinghouse Hill burial ground located adjacent to and potentially underneath the roadway. Once the preferred alternative is selected, it will be presented at a public hearing for community concurrence prior to proceeding to final design. 


  • Traffic Analysis/Study 
  • Alternatives Development and Analysis 
  • Conceptual Design 
  • Intersection Analysis 
  • Signal Warrant Analysis 
  • NEPA Documentation Process 
  • Preliminary Design 

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