Town of Newfields and Newfields Water & Sewer District

Stormwater, Wastewater & Drinking Water Asset Management Programs

Newfields, NH

Project Summary

Hoyle Tanner has partnered with Newfields for the development of an asset management program for its various stormwater, wastewater and drinking water horizontal and vertical assets. Asset maps were developed from existing CADD maps which included asset attributes within the Town’s GIS. These programs included workshops with staff members to establish program goals, build stakeholder support, evaluate asset condition, and develop an understanding of failure modes and consequences. 

Workshops were held to discuss the principal goals of asset management and establish clear Level of Service (LOS) criteria on which to base standards of measurement for asset risk and condition assessment. Hoyle Tanner provided training on using Google tools and how to maintain asset data collected using a GPS. Staff members were trained on how to collect the GPS points for the systems. Following GPS data collection, Hoyle Tanner assisted with developing the final LOS document.  

After establishing the LOS, Hoyle Tanner conducted workshops with Town and District staff to develop assessment matrices for the condition and risk of the infrastructure systems. Inventory was collected including asset type, condition, year of installation, location, criticality and other attributes needed for the asset management function and incorporated into their asset management software. 

Using this information, Hoyle Tanner developed a replacement maintenance ratio to help evaluate the proper funding for repairs and replacement of the community’s assets. Efforts included financial planning so that Newfields can collect and evaluate life cycle costs and, in turn, establish preventive maintenance schedules and generate work orders. It is also being utilized to create the Capital Improvement Program and long-term funding strategy based on highest priorities and most critical needs.


  • Inventory Collection 
  • GIS Data Input / Management 
  • Condition Assessment 
  • Needs Assessment 
  • Life Cycle Cost Analysis 
  • Level of Service Establishment 
  • Criticality Analysis 
  • Funding Assistance 
  • Financial Analysis & Planning 
  • Training Program Development 

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