City of Manchester

Relocate Taxiway B; Mill & Overlay a Portion of Taxiway H; Pavement Repair at ARFF Building

Manchester Boston Regional Airport, Manchester, NH

Project Summary

As part of a previous Runway Incursion Mitigation (RIM) safety study, the airport identified an airfield movement area with a potential for runway incursions. The movement area centered around the geometric complexity of the existing “five point” intersection with Taxiway B, Taxiway A and the Customs Ramp. Hoyle Tanner was retained to perform the design for the reconfiguration of the intersection that would allow for the safest possible path of movement. The project required an in-depth knowledge and understanding of current FAA Advisory Circulars (AC), including new taxiway geometry standards, pavement markings, signage and lighting layout. Key components of the project included the installation of taxiway centerline lights on both Taxiways B and H, installation of new in-pavement and elevated guard lights plus improvements in the airfield lighting vault. Additional project elements including a pavement mill and overlay for a portion of Taxiway H. An intricate and efficient phasing plan was developed in accordance with FAA AC 150-5370-2F which ensured operational safety during construction. 


  • Design 
  • Permitting 
  • Bid Process Administration 
  • Construction Administration 
  • Construction Observation 
  • Grant Administration 

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