NHDOT Statewide Environmental On-Call Intersection Safety Improvements

Conway, NH

Project Summary

This intersection that connects New Hampshire and Maine between Conway, New Hampshire and Fryeburg, Maine is ranked as a high-crash location. Utilizing Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding, NHDOT partnered with Hoyle Tanner to make improvements to the intersection improve safety and reduce crashes. With a consideration for available Right-of-Way, environmental impacts, and project cost, our team helped NHDOT determine which alternative best improved safety while minimizing delay along the corridor. Two significant challenges were identified during preliminary NEPA review: a historically contaminated site on the northeast corner of the intersection that will need further soil and water sampling should there be impacts near that area; and the presence of a stone marker identifying the original location of the Town’s burial ground, which prompted the need for a Phase IA and IB archaeologic assessment that included Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to clear the area of any human remains from the relocation of the cemetery in the early 1950s – this is only the second time GPR has been used on a NHDOT project in New Hampshire. Hoyle Tanner’s highly professional coordination between NHDHR, NHDOT, the Town and the subconsultants was instrumental is making sure these efforts proceeded in a manner that allowed the project to remain on schedule and within budget.


  • Traffic Analysis / Study
  • Alternatives Development & Analysis
  • Conceptual Design
  • Intersection Analysis
  • NEPA Documentation Process
  • Preliminary Design

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