NBD Solar Maine, LLC

NBD Solar Maine PV Sites

State of Maine

Project Summary

Hoyle Tanner provided civil/site design and permitting services to NBD Solar Maine, LLC for a portfolio of 15 ground mounted solar projects throughout the State of Maine which totaled over 100 MWdc of power. Each varied between 5 and 7.5 MWdc of power that is inverted to 4.990 MWac at the point of interconnection providing electricity to the local electrical grid and supporting Maine’s renewable energy initiative. A 4.990 MWac solar array, at peak output, can supply power for roughly 3,250 homes. 

Design for the sites including panel layout, roads, fencing, tree clearing limits, grading, drainage, and erosion control measures. Permitting included all approvals at the municipal level from Planning Boards for Site Plan review and Special Exception permits. Stormwater permitting was completed through Site Location of Development Permits or Stormwater Permit by Rules (PBR) through the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) depending on project size.   

Each site was designed to maximize power projection while working around sensitive areas that included wetlands and wildlife habitats. Wetland impacts were permitted through Maine DEP as well as Army Corps.  


  • Existing Conditions Preparation 
  • Wetland Delineation 
  • Vernal Pool Surveys 
  • Preliminary Design 
  • Stormwater Design 
  • Permitting 
  • Final Design 
  • Construction Administration 

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