Town of Peterborough

Main Street Bridge & US Route 202

Peterborough, NH

Project Summary

Replacement of the historic, but structurally deficient, Main Street Bridge over the Contoocook River in downtown Peterborough was the catalyst for one of the largest and most complex transportation infrastructure projects the Town has undertaken in recent history. Hoyle Tanner worked with the Town and NHDOT on this federally-funded LPA project from the engineering study through final design phases, including through the NEPA process and bid phase. This multi-year, multi-discipline project is currently under construction with an estimated final completion date of June 2022. 

The Main Street Bridge is located within 50’ of the congested stop-controlled T-intersection of Main Street and US Route 202. Realignment and widening of approximately 850’ of Route 202 will improve sight distance, traffic flow, and safety in this area. The existing western Route 202 sidewalk will be maintained and reconstructed, and a new eastern sidewalk will be added. In addition to bridge and roadway reconstruction, this project also includes construction of a new kingpile retaining wall to support the realigned Route 202 roadway, reconstruction of a portion of the Transcript Dam, in-situ stabilization of a historic boulder retaining wall, and lining of a historic granite canal. 

The project has required close coordination with stakeholders, including the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources and the Peterborough Heritage Commission. One outcome of this coordination was to emulate the appearance of the existing bridge by reusing the existing stones on the replacement structure. 


  • Final Design 
  • Load Rating Analysis 
  • Hydraulic Analysis 
  • NEPA Documentation Process 
  • Traffic Analysis/Study 
  • Traffic Control/Management 
  • Right-of-Way Coordination 
  • Public Outreach 
  • Construction Administration 
  • Construction Observation 

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