New Hampshire Department of Transportation

I-93 Pavement Rehabilitation

Thornton-Woodstock, NH

Project Summary

Hoyle Tanner assisted NHDOT with this important project. NHDOT has placed a priority on preserving roadway and bridge assets within the 10-year State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP). Thornton-Woodstock-40404 is one such project addressing 37 lane miles of Interstate 93 that proposed pavement surface rehabilitation, guard rail, ledge lines, signage, and drainage structures condition assessment. 

The accelerated project development process with four phases included a collaborative teaming approach between NHDOT and Hoyle Tanner staff to gather data, present findings, and agree on the scope of construction activities to advance into preliminary design. 

Hoyle Tanner was responsible for generating and assembling as-built construction plans using GIS information and aerial imagery, with field verification in order to present cost alternatives and prepare permits, plans, and project cost estimates. 

The FHWA/NHDOT NEPA documentation and analysis process was completed within the project’s schedule. Coordination with the wetland delineation subconsultant in a timely and efficient manner, along with prompt submittal of accurate data and expedient natural resource agency coordination was important in assisting NHDOT in preparing the Wetlands and Shoreland Permit applications for submittal to achieve permits on time per the project schedule. Hoyle Tanner’s positive relationships with NHDOT staff was an essential component to keeping the project on track.


  • Final Design 
  • Roadway Assessment 
  • FHWA/NHDOT NEPA Permitting 
  • Traffic Control/Management 

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