City of Ormond Beach

Airport Master Plan Update

Ormond Beach Municipal Airport, Ormond Beach, FL

Project Summary

This project completed an Airport Master Plan Update (AMPU), along with an FAA Airport Layout Plan (ALP) in compliance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5070-6B Change 2. The AMPU and ALP set considered airport activity demands and facility improvements over the 20-year period. 

The AMPU included a variety of analyses comparing the facilities needed to meet the aviation activity forecasts. Hoyle Tanner prepared and evaluated development alternatives for the needed facility improvements, including an evaluation of an extension of the approach end of Runway 8 and the justification for the extension. Two alternative conceptual layouts for the development of the Southwest Quad and two alternative conceptual layouts for the development the Northwest Quad were also presented. A recommended alternative was identified for the overall facility development plan and presented as a formal Capital Improvement Program. 


  • Planning 
  • Preliminary Design 
  • Aviation Forecasting 
  • Facility Assessment 
  • Grant Administration 

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