The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) is providing an opportunity for communities to secure funds to promote non-motorized transportation facilities under the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP). New Hampshire’s allocation for TAP projects over the next 2 years is approximately $3.2 M.

If your community has voter and administrative support for your intended project(s), then the TAP program may be for you! Full details on the program can be found on the NHDOT’s website.

A few key dates to know:

  • A letter of interest (LOI) is due to the NHDOT by July 13, 2018 (must be an electronic submission). A sample letter can be found here. The LOI must be accompanied by a plan or map that shows key project area elements.  Based upon the LOI, communities will be invited to prepare and submit a formal application.
  • A municipal representative that will be directly involved with the management of the project must be available to attend a mandatory informational meeting between July 23 and August 24th.
  • A complete application must be provided to NHDOT by September 7, 2018.

Tips for preparing your application:



A full-time employee of the community must assume assigned duties of “Person in Responsible Charge” and must attend training to be Local Public Agency certified as such. If a full-time employee is not currently certified, the next training session is currently scheduled for October 2018.





Propose a manageable project and schedule for the community and the person in responsible charge. (Budget inflation and the required regulatory elements into the estimate.)





Working with the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) to develop your application will likely improve success (this is important such that the RPC understands the potential positive impact your project could provide to your community and/or region). The RPC representatives will likely be able to assist with highlighting the evaluation criteria strengths of your project. Sample evaluation criteria may include:  Public Benefit, Connectivity, Accessibility/Equity, Safety, Financial Support/Project Readiness, Potential for Success, Demonstrated Need, and/or Socioeconomic Benefits.




Determine what total project cost percentage the community wishes to match. The community will be responsible for at least 20 percent of the total project cost, but a community pledging a higher match percentage has been known to favor an application.



Hoyle, Tanner’s team can assist with all aspects of the application process.  For questions, email or call me at 603.669.5555 x 125.