Our company is growing and changing every day. Meet the three newest members of the Hoyle, Tanner team. We are excited to have them on board and are looking forward to helping them make waves in our industry.

We are welcoming back Aidan Short, who started an internship with us last year in our Transportation and Environmental Groups while earning his Master’s degree in Water Resources Engineering. Last fall he shared his experience as an Engineering Intern, highlighting his responsibilities and exposure to real-world scenarios. Since accepting a full-time position in our Portsmouth, New Hampshire office, he has brought a new and fresh perspective and has been busy working on site plan reviews, utility improvements, Capacity Management, Operations & Maintenance (CMOM) program development, and asset management.

What are you excited to work on here at Hoyle, Tanner?

“I’m looking forward to further asset management work, pump station and sewer designs, and some upcoming inspection work.”

If you had to teach a class, what topic would you chose?

“I’d love to teach something related to geography or history. Math and science were actually my worst subjects in school. If I had to do math/science I’d probably choose something like open channel flow.”

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

“To work hard, but always be sure to make time for hobbies and people who matter to me.”


Benjamin Schorn, EIT is an entry-level civil engineer who joined our Burlington, Vermont office following his graduation from the University of Vermont and an internship with VTrans. He has settled into his role as a structural engineer for the bridge group, and so far, he has been involved with designing municipal and state bridge projects, including providing inspection for nine pedestrian bridges for a local community.

What are you excited to work on here at Hoyle, Tanner?

“I am really looking forward to fine-tuning my technical skills and increasing my independence as an engineer. I am also looking forward to getting back out in the field; seeing projects come to life is one of my favorite things about engineering.”

If you had to teach a class, what topic would you chose?

“I would choose a design based topic like structural steel design or design of wood structures. These topics allow students to utilize a lot of the foundational principles they’ve learned in other classes, while introducing them to different design methods.”

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

“To trust your gut instinct, it’s usually there for a reason. That, and always put forth a genuine effort, because you never know who will be watching or what affect you can have on others.”


Griffin Curley is an Engineering Intern in our Bridge and Structures Group who came to us after earning his Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from the University of New Hampshire. Since starting in our Manchester office, most of his time has been spent in the field – on site visits for the North Shore Road Bridge culvert in Derry, New Hampshire. He has been overviewing the construction site and making sure everything runs according to the plans, completing a photo log and site report each day.

What are you excited to work on here at Hoyle, Tanner?

“I’m looking forward to driving over the bridge for the North Shore Road culvert project. It’s been great to see this project come to life since the beginning of construction, and I think driving over it once complete will be the cherry on top.”

If you had to teach a class, what topic would you chose?

“I think teaching physics would be rewarding; young engineers really start to enjoy science during their first few physics experiments.”

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

“Do it right the first time and you won’t have to fix it.”

Please join us in welcoming Aidan, Benjamin, and Griffin, to our trusted group of experts. Great to have you all on the team!