Carl L. Quiram, P.E.

Municipal Business Development Manager

Please join us in welcoming Carl L. Quiram, P.E. to our firm as Municipal Business Development Manager for the New England Region.

Carl, a graduate of the University of New Hampshire, has spent 28 years serving communities in New England and sharing his innovative practices with others across the country. His career has centered on implementing practical, cost saving concepts for the design, construction, operation and management of a wide variety of infrastructure assets. As a former public works director, Carl has experience managing all facets of municipal engineering and public works operations. With a strong environmental background, his talents lie in finding creative and effective ways to address regulatory requirements while saving money for his constituents. Carl is viewed as a national leader on public works related issues.

We are very happy to have Carl join our team and be able to share the same municipal project expertise with many communities throughout New England. Please congratulate Carl in our Manchester office at (603) 669-5555 x110 or via email at