Hoyle, Tanner is proud to be a part of the Airport Consultant’s Council (ACC) member recognition initiative.  The ACC is the global trade association that represents private businesses involved in the development and operations of airports and related facilities. ACC informs its members of new trends while promoting fair competition and procurement practices that protect the industry’s bottom line

At the end of 2015, ACC recognized its long standing members of 30 plus years.  In 1978, Hoyle, Tanner was a founding member of ACC.  To be one of four founding corporate members of an organization of over 200 is an honor we are proud to share with our friends and clients.  Hoyle, Tanner continues to remain active in this organization, holding positions in the Engineering Committee and  Advocacy Committee.

Shown here are Robert M. Furey, PE, SrVP, Director Aviation Services Group, and Frank Wells, Managing Director and Chairman of the Board holding the 30 years recognition plaque.
