Our professionals in Florida volunteering their time at Christian HELP

Every year, our employees make an effort to give back to the community. This happens throughout the year, but it seems to mean even more to the community when it’s during the holidays.

Like every year, our Florida professionals participated in Christian HELP’s annual Season of Giving last week.

As part of the Season of Giving, Christian HELP provides a free shopping experience for parents in need so their children have presents on Christmas morning and the family has a holiday meal for the day, groceries for the week, and any assistance they need to find a job.

Members of our office worked at the food pantry where we helped distribute the holiday meals and groceries. We assisted by sorting and organizing food, packing grocery boxes and loading them into the families’ vehicles. We were honored to be a small part of the Christmas Extravaganza and to give back to our community.

“I love being able to bless my community by serving at the food pantry for their annual Christmas program,” Payton Borza, EI said. “The families are so appreciative, and the staff radiates positivity. I look forward to returning again next year!”