While the year has been challenging, we are proud that our employees have continued to make efforts in outreach, charity, and support of others. Though many of these efforts have extended beyond the confines of a single calendar year, we wanted to highlight some of the ways our employees have continued to extend generosity in 2020.

Liberty House: Located close to our headquarters in a brand new location, the Liberty House provides food, support and clothing to veterans in need. The home is now on Orange Street in Manchester and accommodates living arrangements for 27 homeless veterans! For our part, our Fun & Wellness Committee ran a drive and collected a modest amount of socks, hats, canned goods and boxed cereals to provide sought after items identified on the organization’s wish list.

Leon, Haiti: A member of our staff has a personal connection working with students in Haiti. Since 2016, Environmental Engineer Daniel Marks, PE has organized donations to send to a local coordinator and friend of his, Honore. Since public school in Haiti is not free, this money is donated to families most in need of tuition assistance. To send one student (1st to 9th grade) to school for a whole year with books and a uniform, it costs $300 USD. Since 2016, Dan’s friends, family and colleagues have donated nearly $4,500 to Honore to distribute to families in need.

Operation Santa Claus (OSC): Each year, Hoyle, Tanner organizes a large donation through the OSC charity to families Generosity stats from 2019 Operation Santa Claus drivestruggling to buy holiday gifts for their children, which often includes clothes to get through the winter season, as well as various toys. Last year, our team raised $600 in donations, 150+ gifts and had 20 shoppers hand-pick items to donate! This year, the organization asked for only monetary donations due to the pandemic and we were able to raise $2,000; equivalent to sponsoring 25 children!

Share Socks NH (featured image): Human Resources Manager Judy Donovan-Hann organized a fundraiser for socks. As the months get colder and the pandemic limits resources for people afflicted with homelessness, the race to find them a warm bed for the night continues. With the help of family, friends and colleagues, Judy was able to raise $780 to buy new socks to be distributed, helping a portion of the homeless population in Manchester, New Hampshire get a little warmer.

Volunteer hours: One of our employee benefits is our yearly volunteer time. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, a few of our employees have been able to dedicate their hours to their children’s schools or education opportunities at universities. One employee has been taking his passion for working on improving wastewater infrastructure and using that to work with the Rich Earth Institute to research human waste for its potential fertilizer value!

Whether it be helping the homeless, teaching inquiring minds, or sending students to school, the professionals at Hoyle, Tanner care. We thank our employees for their compassion during a trying time and are amazed by their generosity to help those in need.