We are pleased to announce that one of our airport projects won a silver medal from the American Council of Engineering Companies. The New Hampshire Chapter (ACEC-NH) Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) has been “the benchmark for excellence in the consulting engineering profession” and has acknowledged our work at the Portsmouth International Airport at Pease. Our design team worked with multiple agencies to reconstruct, light, sign and mark Runway 16-34 and replace Navigational Aids (NAVAIDS.)

One of the complexities of this project was the coordination between multiple funding agencies, including Pease Development Authority (PDA), New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT), FAA, and New Hampshire Air National Guard (NHANG). Our team used this funding breakout to successfully track and quantify 375 distinct project elements associated with each of the four funding agencies throughout the 46-month project duration.

A significant portion of the construction phase of this project coincided with the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19. Hoyle, Tanner and Pike Industries worked together to implement heightened field safety standards which included increased sanitation, limitations of group gatherings, altered vehicle procedures, mandatory face masks, daily temperature checks, and other similar CDC requirements. COVID-19 also adversely impacted the material supply chain; however, PDA, Hoyle, Tanner, and Pike Industries dynamically adapted and altered schedules with each separate challenge. Even with the pandemic, the runway opened 30 days ahead of schedule.

Paul Brean, Executive Director of PDA, gave praise to the project team in light of the challenges.

“[I am] Extremely proud of the successful collaboration on this project. Reconstructing an 11,000 foot runway while remaining operational is a complex design/build challenge by itself,” Brean said. “Incorporate funding sources from multiple entities, FAA, DOD, State of NH and the airport, you bring interagency cooperation to another level. Throw in a pandemic during the heart of the construction schedule and you test a team.

“Proud to report this team of professionals met every challenge. Project wrapped early, came in under budget, implemented environmental initiatives and maintained a healthy workforce.

“Thank you Hoyle, Tanner & Associates and Pike Industries.”

For more detailed information about project specifics, our project engineers wrote articles that you can read here:

Reconstructing the Granite State’s Longest Runway

Reconstructing One of New England’s Longest Commercial Service Runways

Congratulations to all the winners of this years Engineering Excellence Awards.