With the global pandemic challenging the way we are interacting as a society, some of our employees have taken it upon themselves to help their communities in inspiring ways. Though they’ve admitted they don’t think their actions are big or glamorous, we want to acknowledge the wonderful ways they are making big impacts for those in need.

Inspired by one person’s drive to collect snacks for Lowell General Hospital, Dave Langlais and his family quickly jumped to action collecting commercially packaged snacks to donate to the doctors and nurses serving on the front line in our hospitals. Nichole Davis, Jeff Collins and Dave then partnered together to collect cookies, crackers, and granola bars, among many other snacks, to spread our gratitude to the front-line workers at Concord Hospital. Collecting hundreds of snacks for these caregivers was a simple way to show continued appreciation as these medical professionals risk their own safety for the wellbeing of others.

Dave’s family recognized that not only is the pandemic hard on the medical staff, but some of the hospital’s patients are facing this alone. Dave’s family is involved in Boy Scouts and their family initiated their scout troop’s efforts to make cards for the patients who can’t be with their families. The cards will be laminated and distributed to help them feel supported.

Not forgetting some of the most vulnerable population, Jeff and his family are also participating in a shopping for senior’s program through their church to assist with securing daily essentials. As the number of infected residents increases, volunteering for a program like this enhances the elderly’s safety and security of their home and reduces their risk for contracting the virus.

As a member of the neighborhood app NextDoor, our team member Fran Baldowski found a neighbor’s plea for notary services. With some quick correspondence and her proximity to this individual, Fran was able to come to her rescue and notarize paperwork related to the neighbor’s car accident. While maintaining social distancing, Fran walked over and notarized the time-sensitive documents on the neighbor’s porch.

Paula Boyle talks about her experience “I have a great neighborhood, so we met in the middle of our street while two boys in our neighborhood played guitar/piano with speakers and we all sang” all at a safe distance. Weeks later, as more people are being diagnosed with the virus, Paula and a group of friends have organized a meal delivery system for a family where both parents have been hospitalized after contracting COVID-19.

Joanne Theriault’s jump to action started before the official stay at home order was announced. As local schools started closing her neighbor was limited with options when the after-school program got cancelled. In the same predicament with her own two children, Joanne offered to assist her neighbor with childcare and remote learning for the 6-year-old girl while her neighbor continued to provide essential services at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Are you doing anything for others during this time to help support people who need it? The possibilities are endless, and these are just a few ways that our employees are helping their communities.