Mary Ebner – Senior Staff Accountant & Detailed Organizer

Mary Ebner and husband

1. What drew you to Hoyle Tanner?

I previously worked in food manufacturing. We made muffins, cookies and cake products. I was looking for an accounting position where the revenue cycle was a little longer than a day. I have definitely found this since the revenue cycle for most of our projects lasts months (and in some cases years) based on the complexity of the project.

2. What’s something invaluable you’ve learned here?

I have learned that no matter what, there is always a way to achieve a positive result. It may not always be the result you thought you wanted when you started, but the end result will still give you the satisfaction of a job well done.

3. What’s your favorite time of year to work at Hoyle Tanner & why?

I look forward to the winter season. It is when more people are in the office because the field work slows down. I love to be able to see and speak with people in person. It is also when the holiday festivities are held and this brings such a feeling of excitement. It is truly hard not to smile when there are larger than life decorations throughout the office.

4. What’s the coolest thing you are working on & why?

The coolest thing that I have worked on is learning how the different projects in different specialties work. There are so many details that go into the entire life cycle of a project. I love learning and am very detail oriented myself, so it is the perfect opportunity for me to “geek out.”

5. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you so far this week?

The best thing that has happened to me so far this week is having completed a payroll processing successfully and knowing that people will be receiving their checks in a timely and accurate manner.  (Again – geek.)

6. How many different states have you lived in?

I have only lived in New Hampshire.

7. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

That is kind of a trick question. Would there be calories involved?

8. What kind of pet do you have & how did you choose to name it?

I have a 10 ½ year old Golden Retriever named Cider. We wanted a name for her that is unique and somewhat yellow/golden. We decided as a family that we wanted something that people would think of a golden/amber color. Believe it or not, Cider won over School Bus.

9. What is a fun or interesting fact about your hometown?

My hometown of Atkinson, New Hampshire is one of the first small towns that you reach as you drive over the border from Massachusetts. Growing up, the police and fire departments were comprised of all volunteers and up until recently, there were no stop lights.

10. What are three things still left on your bucket list?

I do not think I have a bucket list.

11. What characteristic do you admire most in others?

I admire honesty. I don’t think that you can go wrong with that one.

12. How old is the oldest item in your closet?

I have a hooded sweatshirt from Cuffys on the Cape that I refuse to part with. The zipper is broken and the pull falls off every time I wash it, but it is my favorite. It is 20 years old.

13. Words to live by? Favorite quote? Why?

I have 2: “Set your goals high and reach them, success is your greatest reward.

The other refers to every activity I have ever planned: “It is better to have and not need than need and not have.” I tend to overpack, over plan, over cook, over analyze etc.

14. What did you want to be when you were growing up?

I always knew that I was going to be doing something with money. When I was little, I used to play store all of the time. I loved being able to keep track of how much was spent and how to count the change. My first job was as a cashier at Market Basket, and it was not all I had it cracked up to be in my head.

15. If you were to skydive from an airplane what would you think about on the way down?

Well, that is hard, because I do not and will not understand why anyone would want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.