Christina Slosek Marketing Coordinator and Sunscreen Queen

Christina Slosek and family

1.  What drew you to Hoyle, Tanner?
 I saw the president’s message and thought the video demonstrated a great company culture and work environment that I wanted to be a part of. I graduated with my marketing degree and two weeks later I started my career in my field of interest.
2. What’s something invaluable you’ve learned here?
Communication – I’ve learned how important clear and concise communication is. There are so many different communication styles and it is important to learn them.
3. What’s your favorite time of year to work at Hoyle, Tanner?
Autumn – Project sites are beautiful to photograph with the beautiful foliage. When I get the chance, I like to be out in the field in the fall.
4. What’s the coolest thing you are working on?
We’ve recently incorporated a new photo editing software program, and it’s been fascinating learning the latest technology.
5. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you so far this week?
I spent the weekend at the beach with my family for my brother’s and my birthday!!
6. How many different states have you lived in?
Just two, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
7. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
I eat eggs almost every morning for breakfast, so my head says “eggs” but my heart says “pizza.”
8. What kind of pet do you have and how did you choose to name it?
I have two pets, a black cat named Callie after a character from a Pete the Cat book. I think the character was a Calico cat, though. I have a golden retriever Molly, and my husband and I just liked the name. At the time we thought it was original, now – not so much.
9. What is a fun or interesting fact about your hometown?
I grew up in a small town in Massachusetts but I consider where I live now my hometown. It’s also home to Alex Preston, the third-place winner of the 13th season of American Idol!
10. What are three things still left on your bucket list
1. Become Fluent in Spanish
2. Visit Machu Picchu
3. See the Northern Lights

11. Name three items you’d take with you to a desert island
1. Sunscreen
2. Sunscreen
3. Sunscreen

12. What characteristic do you admire most in others?
Grit – The people who tough face adversity and fight through it are so admirable. Haven’t you ever seen those videos of people whose doctors told them they would never walk again and watch their journey of how they fought every day and succeeded? I mean…tears!  
13. How old is the oldest item in your closet?
I have a sewing kit (which I don’t use) that my husband’s grandmother gave me, and I think its around 40 years old. I also have a sweatshirt (that I still wear) from college, about 17 years old.
14. Words to live by? Favorite Quote?
There are so many its hard to choose! Recently I heard, “Good players inspire themselves, great players inspire others.” (- John Wooden) I thought it inspiring, especially because it’s true on and off the court.
15. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
If you asked 7-year-old me, she would have said an architect. I used to draw plans on graph paper and color-coded the rooms: red for the kitchen and blue for the bedrooms. When I got a little older I also wanted to be a sports photographer.
16. If you were to skydive from an airplane what would you think about on the way down?
I’d probably panic until my parachute opened, and then I would probably think about where I would land.