You can’t always give a lot – but giving something is always better than giving nothing. Each year, Hoyle Tanner reflects back on the generosity of our employees. Here are some fast facts:

Hoyle Tanner had 21 employees this year use volunteer time for community giving events.
3 of our engineers donated their time to helping out with Senior Capstone Projects at the University of New Hampshire.
Our Oviedo, Florida team volunteers at Christina HELP every year. Members of our office worked at the food pantry where we helped distribute the holiday meals and groceries. We assisted by sorting and organizing food, packing grocery boxes and loading them into the families’ vehicles.
Hoyle Tanner sponsored 10 children this year for Operation Santa Claus. That equated to 16 employees donating $840 and another 11 employees buying gifts to donate (which came out to be about 135 gifts).
The Boy Scouts got a video upgrade when one of our drone pilots filmed a drone video for their troop!
8 members of the Manchester office helped out at the New Hampshire Food Bank Mac-off event. We packed about 46,000 meals that day with the other teams participating!
Members of our Marketing Team supported the NH Food Bank in March. We filled 121 distribution boxes, which equaled 3,083 meals to be shipped to people in need!
Members of our Environmental Permitting team transplanted state endangered plants onto conservation land for the protection of the species
As of the beginning of December 2021, 72 hours had been donated for time volunteering

We are so proud to be part of a team that cares about its community. We can’t finish this article without noting that the fast facts above only reflect volunteer time during Hoyle Tanner’s working hours, and charitable donations for Operation Santa Claus; the facts above don’t shine light on all the amazing ways our professionals are gratuitous – from monthly donations to outside-work volunteering hours. You can trust that our people care about our communities.