Stacie Haskell is featured with her dog sitting on her lap. A quote from her Q&A is included to the right.

Meet Stacie Haskell – Senior Project Assistant & Dog Lover

What drew you to Hoyle Tanner?

Stacie Haskell headshot cutout

I worked with Hoyle Tanner for years when I worked for MaineDOT. I always enjoyed the people I worked with and always thought if I ever went to the consultant side I could see myself at Hoyle Tanner. When Bob approached me about leaving the State and coming to work here I was ecstatic!! So thrilled that they wanted me and that I had the opportunity to work with them, everybody is so awesome to work with and so nice!!

What’s something invaluable you’ve learned here?

You are never too old to learn new things!! I have learned so much since coming here and love to get up every day to see what challenges are next!! The people are so great!!

How many different states have you lived in?

One. Maine.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

Steak with cream cheese and spinach stuffed mushrooms.

What kind of pet do you have & how did you choose to name it?

I had three Saint Bernards until recently. I now have one – Daisy.

My daughter helped pick the name, she loved Daisy Duke when she was 2-years-old and thought we should name the dog Daisy.

I recently lost Bocephus but I loved his name the most!! Kenny Chesney’s song Keg in the Closet had a line “we had a dog named Bocephus living in the front yard,” as soon as I heard that I said I want a dog named Bocephus!! So when we were looking for a dog online, the Saint Bernard fit the name the best so that is how we picked a Saint Bernard over any other breed, to fit the already picked name!!

Diesel was our other, he was the puppy of Bocephus and Daisy. He was the last born and I had run out of names at that point. My husband and stepson both have diesel trucks so Diesel it was!!

We also have a cat named Alecie. My daughter named her, her name is half my daughters name and half mine, Alexis and Stacie. Nothing like making it difficult for me to say no to having another cat!!

What are three things still left on your bucket list.

Attend a NASCAR cup series race in person

Trip to Australia

Trip to Montana

What characteristic do you admire most in others?

I would have to say honesty, loyalty, resiliency and accountability.

How old is the oldest item in your closet?

An old 1920’s beaded purse of my grandmothers.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A nurse, but learned I couldn’t watch a needle puncture skin so that was not going to be for me!!

What’s one of your most ridiculous/nonsensical fears?

I don’t like to walk over bridges. If I have to, I try to walk as far away from the side as possible.

What’s your pump-up playlist or song lately?

If you go down (I’m goin’ down too) by Kelsea Ballerini

Words to live by? Favorite quote? Why?

It is from the poem “The Dash” by Linda Ellis – “For it matters not, how much we own, the cars…the house…the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.” Life is too short to spend the time angry, stressed, unhappy. You only get one life, how do you want to live it?