Allenstown Sewer Commission

Suncook Pond Pump Station

Allenstown, NH

Project Summary

Hoyle Tanner was retained by the Allenstown Sewer Commission to complete a conceptual design and opinion of cost for a proposed wastewater pump station for the purpose of sizing the footprint of the building and ancillary facilities in order to determine the land area required to be obtained either by easement or purchase and for securing project funding. Hoyle Tanner also completed final design, permitting, funding assistance, easement acquisition, bidding, construction administration and construction observation. The conceptual design work included evaluation of wastewater flows, projections of 20-year design flows, hydraulics and head loss calculations, sizing and selection of pumps and other equipment, and preparation of conceptual design and layout drawings. Work also included preparation of the opinion of cost for construction of the pump station, force main and utilities lines, final design and construction engineering and land/easement acquisition to secure funding assistance. Extensive easements were required for the pump station, force main and utility lines and the easement acquisition process was complex. 

Hoyle Tanner completed final design of the new pump station providing survey and mapping; subsurface exploration and geotechnical evaluation; environmental permitting; easement delineation and acquisitions; preparation of final design, contract drawings and specifications; opinion of probable construction cost, agency coordination and approvals; and funding assistance including compliance with State Revolving Fund loan requirements. 

The project was funded through a combination of Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan and local funding from capital reserves.


  • Conceptual Design 
  • Final Design 
  • Hydraulic Analysis 
  • Easement Acquisition Assistance 
  • Contract Document Preparation 
  • Bidding 
  • Construction Administration 
  • Construction Observation 
  • Funding Assistance 

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